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Posted by on 2014 Jan 30 in Cam's Bipolar Blog | 0 comments

Welcome to my new blog

Welcome to my new blog

It is now the end of January, and I am feeling pretty damn good. I find myself losing sleep, but in a good way. As I write this in the early morning hours of a Thursday, I can’t slow my brain enough to find rest. It is hard to fall asleep, so I turn to the natural effects of my favorite relaxation aid. I am sure those who know me well, can guess what my relaxation aid is. =)

So here I sit, typing away, listening to a soothing playlist through my headphones. I am thinking about everything at once, but somehow can keep focused on the important things; family, friends, success, and enjoyment. I can’t quite put my finger on what has come over me, but it is a feeling I have encountered several times before. I am in a mood to share my thoughts.

You may have recently read my note that I shared for #BellLetsTalk. You can find it here: Traversing the Unsound Mind. I realize now that this is something that people find helpful and inspiring. And even if they haven’t encountered quite the same extreme struggles, they can relate. Most people have a family member, or friend, maybe even an acquaintance, if not themselves, who has had a similar struggle. It only makes sense to talk about it.

So, in light of the recent attention I have garnered towards my Mental Health, I have decided that I would like to continue the conversation. I have started a new Blog; I invite you to check it out if you feel it is worthwhile to read and talk about Mental Health. I will focus on my experience with Bipolar Disorder, which will include Depression and Mania. Thank you in advance for your participation.

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